Took a break, and went west coast on impulse. Didn't intend to go for shooting when i realised that i had to go office this morning.
Reaching West Coast at 6.30+ the sky had already started to dim. To make it worst, it was a cloudy day. The sun was hiding from me, *Signed*
Geared with the instruments i had, i started to look ard for a spot, in my heart praying i might still make it in time for at least a ray of sun; a shot of the sunset at west coast.
Here's what i managed to get -
And as usual i didnt do any photoshop for all the landscape fotos, eh. yah, who cares if it looks sucky anyway.

Walking through the park makes me totally emo again! so many couples, young and old. All there "Pak Tor!" (Dating!). I got see kiss kiss and hug hug! how can! sun just set!
And there were lots of family, mums, dads bringing their kids there for bbq, picnic! *Envious*
Heres me
- With Eye bags, wrinkles. I am seriously in need for facials and some exercise!

Hope to take photos for frds. need to brush up on portraits and portfolios. i will make sure they look better then IC fotos. LOL! Any volunteers? Trust my skills *Blinks*
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