YES, guys do get emotional too just not too often. just like aku who would get all emotional watching news reports.
As mention in my earlier post, today would be my last photo shoot. After sch, i rush to Kallang just to find a good spot to take the photos sunset. Sadly to say, i dont really feel well, totally no ling gan. Guess it is due to my lack of sleep again.
But not wishing for any regrets, i started snapping away. Attached are some of the photos which i had process. Most of the photos would be kept in my comp for personal viewing as i am too lazy to process all of them. Pls, make do with it, i am just an amatuer although what i had hope for was to have improvements.
Do give some comments even if they look lousy %^#$&^)^^(. I swear i wont spam u. lol
Kallang - areas near indoor stadium
my starting point, on the bridge

Starting sunset

I squat down a long time before i could get a good shot of this pic.

To be frank, i think there are still many more better photos then the ones posted, but i cant really make up my mind to choose which., so what i did was randomly chose them. i got no preferance as i always like to view them in RAW format.
Yanting has commented that my photos has a nostalgia feel.
I do admit my photos seems to be emitting a certain degree of sadness, maybe they where taken when i was having to much "xin shi" -_-
Well to cater to the ladies, and as what Yanting mention "ladies fav Magical Fantasy feel" , here are they are~.

Thats all for now, if i can manage my time, i will try to upload more better photos. LOL. Ciaosu~
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