Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chapter 35 - a fresh life, my Love

After coming back from malaysia , i started my life afresh.
Thanks to Dear who managed to make me quit my caffeine addiction and now its the next most challanging Nicotine addiction.

Seriously i feel so good without drink 6 cups of kopi O kosong a day, in just 3 days i quitted what i had been drinking for years.

But right now i am getting mentally tortured, from quitting smoking. as of the time now , i had not smoke for 22 hours. The damage - sleepy, drowsiness , yawning,with occasionally tears of tiredness, unable to concentrated. I am totally suffering the withdrawal symptoms now.

Here is what i found from the net,

Causes, Incidence and Risk Factors...

Almost all people who try to quit have some form of nicotine withdrawal. Generally, the longer one has been a smoker and the more nicotine and higher number of cigarettes consumed, the more likely it is that withdrawal symptoms will occur and the more severe they are likely to be. Furthermore, people who are regular smokers tend to have particularly strong cravings and worsening of withdrawal symptoms at certain times, places, or situations associated with smoking. Tobacco contains nicotine, an addictive drug, and smokers become addicted. If you quit abruptly, you will go through the physical and psychological effects of drug-withdrawal, These may include intense food cravings, jittery nerves, anxiety, short temper, depression, and sleeplessness. The addiction-withdrawal symptoms will be worst the first week and less severe during the second. After a month, most of the withdrawal symptoms will be gone, If you quit gradually, the withdrawal may be less intense but more prolonged, This is why many experts recommend quitting abruptly!


The common symptoms include an intense craving for nicotine, tension, irritability, headaches, difficulty in concentrating, drowsiness and trouble in sleeping, increased appetite and weight gain. A milder form of nicotine withdrawal involving some or all of these symptoms can occur when a smoker switches from regular to low-nicotine cigarettes or significantly cuts down.

In short, what it say is - either this week or next week, i will start to get more aggressive or more depress.

HoHOHO, which means its either a gd time to join Muaythai if i turn aggresive or Lock myself up in the room over the weekend and have Pinky open it for me only on monday if i turn Depress.

ITS NOW OR NEVER. signing off~like a drug addict..