Didnt sleep just for the sunrise. It was 5am and i kept looking out through the window. The weather was unpredictable, there were some red clouds.
5.35am - i decided to make a gamble. started to spam sms to Jon, if he is awake , getting him to take some sunrise would make him feel better too.
6am - he replied, told him wat i intend to do, and i would just see him 10mins below his hse. took a cab over.
Reached East Coast fairly late, Slightly disappointed. its not everyday that i get to have some free time to take photos of the first rays. but i missed it.
Was hoping capturing the sunrise would change my mood. But alas.
Anyways, heres what i manage to get. and it really needs alot of improvement.
what you see is what i took. no photoshops / manipulation.
East Coast Park -
My try-outs on certain new settings :
All-Hail - the sun

When they were young
Him - Through his eyes

I wanted to create a gloomy feeling, a feeling of sadness enguffing everyone and yet followed on with hope caused by the sunrise. i had tried to capture a group of friends playing in the water during the sunrise and yet, i tried not to capture their faces. Was it happiness or was it sadness?
i err in the morning shoot, might be caused by me admiring the sun rays. I had always wanted to capture them through my eyes and show the best shots i have to everyone i know.
I am still not there yet.
Didnt managed to take much, being late has already caused me to lose the first rays. Had breakfast with Jon at mac, thereafter i planned to get him go to the museum with me.
le muséeIt must have been at least 10 years since i went there.
The exhibition which i wanted to go was titled -
Doubleness : Photography of Chang Chien-Chi
He is a award-winning Magnum photographer.
His acclaimed works are - Double Happiness, Chinatown and The Chain.
I really like all 3 of them, if i were to choose, it would be Chinatown.
One of his trademark photo - credits to Magnum Photos

I love this exhibition very much. He convey the theme very well.
Here are the photos which i took at the museum for a change of mood.
My Tix

At - The Chain
His Shadows

At - ChinaTown , through his eyes

Looking up - was the sky ever Blue

We went through it twice. Totally satisfied , we came out.
Oh dear, it started to rain. Totally damped my plan for a musical fest at esplanade for the later part of the day. Feeling sick, must be the lack of sleep , the sun and the sudden heavy downpour.
After waiting at smu for the rain to subside, we parted ways for home. I was knockout within 10mins. got alot sms and miss -called.
Made mistakes that day, but learned alot through the art exhibits.
Improvements have to be made.
For who do we exist.